We are not only making a film about a community, but with a community. Be a part of our archival crowdsourcing process!

Click this link here if you want to send us your “Mary’s” material. We are looking for photos and videos! Check it out.

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All donations through the Winston Salem Arts Council are tax deductible

Filmmaking takes a lot of bank. But we are hell bent on making this here documentary, so we’re asking for your support! We are experts at stretching a dollar, and we find our unique-shoe-string-trade-work-with-what-ever-is-at-hand style fits perfectly with the themes we are covering in this passion project. Join us in making this dream sit up & breathe life as it joins in a sweaty mosh-pit, eating a biscuit, making art with everybuddy…

“ I would give them all my Rolexes…”

- Tammy Faye

PSA: this may not be true.

but we hope it is…


Production Status Reports

Behind the Scenes photos

Archival “Dig Ups”

Fundraising Information

Check Ins from the Directors

Featured Artists … cause we like to share what we like and we’re super good at bragging about our artist friends.

so so so so so so so so so much more!

We are offering up our Hot n Ready Newsletter that will come out, right now, irregularly. So good news, it’s not going to feel like you’ve subscribed to the New Yorker or have caved out of the goodness of your heart and given your email to that one obnoxious relative.


We are here to chat! What can we do for you? Please ask!